So Here’s the Thing…….

So here’s the thing…..we all stand on the shoulders of giants and its good form and great practice and helps us to build a REAL version of history when we remember to give a nod to those who went before us.  As a clubber of the 80’s I remember a time when there were very powerful women on the club scene – mostly LGBTQi clubs – as these were definitely the most interesting and culturally stimulating places to be and which is probably why they have largely been erased from history. Women who ran clubs – The Fridge – Susan Carrington, Sophie Budden and Terri Murray – who ran the amazing Venus Rising, and all the brilliant female DJs Vicki Edwards, Maxine, Princess Julia, Smokin’ Jo to name a few.

DJ Rebekah remembers the day she walked into a record shop in her native Birmingham to ask for a job. Her parents had bought her a set of turntables just before her 17th birthday and she was keen to start building her vinyl collection. “I said to the guys […]
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